Perry Court Primary School
Joyner Group were appointed by Skanska in 2021 to undertake the SFS, sheathing board and external wall insulation and render package at the new build Perry Court Primary School in Bristol.
The project was a new build school on playing fields of the existing school. The work was undertaken whilst the school was live so prior planning was needed to book in material deliveries and the team arriving on site.
Deliveries were booked in with the site logistics manager and our team would arrive on site prior to the school opening to prevent any interaction with school pupils and parents. Materials were ordered in bulk to minimise deliveries required to site and distribution.
A total of 900m2 of Permarock A1 non-combustible EWI system using 90mm mineral fibre insulation, 1200m2 of RCM Y wall board and 300m2 of EOS SFS system was installed.